We will be reviewing Striking Thoughts by Bruce Lee the iconic actor and expert martial artist, martial art’s instructor, film director , philosopher. He was responsible for popularizing martial art’s in the western world. Today we will be concentrating on his philosophy having a look at one of his many books called Striking Thoughts.
This book holds many martial art’s wisdom quotes and non martial art’s quotes.
More about the man
This little book of knowledge is full of martial art’s wisdom quotes and by reading this book you get a true sense of the man. He was a great philosopher and thinker. Some thoughts of the man himself by people who knew him. Covering his own personal philosophy Bruce was a man who promoted a flexible approach and not to be rigid. Live in the moment as in the quotation (a finger pointing to the moon). Not one for the academic approach based a lot of his philosophies back to eastern teachings. Also, believing that all humans are equal no matter what race, creed, religion or status.
He had read many books on philosophy and also studied the subject. Incorporating those teachings into his life.
The above is to help you understand who the man is behind this book, and understand his journey which is more detailed in, (BUY NOW CLICK) => this book.
Some Principles
Ideas from the book covers such philosophies as emptying the mind in order to not be clouded or limited by what you believe those may stop you in progressing further. As you will remain rigid in your thinking and possibilities your actions. An example of this is learning to drive a motor vehicle and driving that way for that rest of the time you drive. We all know once you have pass your test you will keep the standards with regard to safety etc but you will develop your own style. This was a big subject within the book IE be flexible like water
Bruce as he used to say you need to express your self one of his martial art’s wisdom quotes. Be like water be formless, be flowing. Many of those quotation will teach and promote peace of mind. This book making an attempt to find the true meaning of life and many of the teaching are from or derive from Taoism or Zen. Covers the importance of a balanced life and in today society where people are always on the go time out to reflect or meditation can work wonders.
Reality what and why, mind provoking quotes on the subject and how we react to reality, great section. Laws of the Universe example, self will, cause and effect, harmony.
Action, the importance of taking action, and at times action needs to be taken before thinking, be a doer. Doers shape the world.
A section on thinking which covers 14 different types of thinking this is an eye-opener for anyone who thinks that thinking was a simple process. This makes you appreciate the thinking process and helps you to understand it more.
Health the importance of exercise and eating the right foods are covered along relationships. The importance of relationships with regard health.
Teaching as a martial artist and instructor he had a way of teaching which he goes into great details in this books sharing his thoughts and methods, Including the most difficult thing to teach. As a man of his ability those methods are tried and tested as he produced many students still teaching his art today. (BUY NOW CLICK) =>The book Covers his 6 principles of teaching in a comprehensive descriptive manor. Along with 5 additional points that cover student and teacher.
The section on confrontation was a great read and for anyone practicing any martial art this is a must read from a man of his accomplishments.
Covered in this section is work, Quality, Motivation, Goals, Faith, Success, Money, Fame and flattery those point could be found in most self development books today. Some of the above have whole books written on one of those subjects.
To be fair the book provides good common sense approach to those subjects giving the readers direct information to ensure the right attitude is maintained throughout any situation that may arise in everyday life. Those points are covered individually and in more detail on each subject also adding his personal accounts and experiences which brings to life the meanings. Some of points like Motivation and Goals could come from martial art’s wisdom quotes.

Striking Thoughts is a great book, full of martial art’s wisdom quotes emphasizing many things just to mention a few bound fullness. (balanced life.) Live in the moment, respect others, work hard, be like water in mind and body. Yin and Yan etc many more too much to mention. The structure of the book is laid out great giving details of Bruce and his philosophy. The content page gives the individual listing allowing quick access to the topic of your choice. Bruce as well as an expert martial artist etc he was also a man of great wisdom in and out of the martial art’s world.
This book has 800 entries covering more than 70 topics. He wrote prodigiously and had a particular interest in philosophy
This book will help you get to know yourself, being a book of quotations makes it easy to read and thought-provoking. You do not have to be a martial artist to appreciate this book as it relates to everyday life and is timeless. This is book for anyone who loves life and would like to improve life for them self and the rest of humanity.
I have only covered some sections and subjects of (BUY NOW CLICK) => this book to give you an idea of the quality of the contents within those pages
So if you are interested in mastering yourself and making life better for those around you. You need your copy of this book. This book is a great self development book for anyone.
Train hard, Focus and Practice
Thank you so much for this review on Bruce Lee’s book Striking Thoughts. I would imagine this to be a very beautiful book, written by a man who inspired so many people around the world, and really opened up martial arts to much of the Western World. I think this book would be something that everyone could enjoy.
Hi Jessie, Thanks for your comments, Bruce Lee was an amazing man and this book demonstrates the other talents other than martial arts. A man of great wisdom,
Yes this book will appeal to anyone, provides great life skills and wisdom, also a great reference book.
all the best