Jeet Kune Do

Jeet Kune Do as an Expression of Martial Arts

Bruce Lee created a form of martial arts known as Jeet Kune Do  (translated: Way of the Intercepting Fist). The art uses as its central premise what we term Bruce Lee’s Core Symbol as its symbolic expression. “Using no way as way; having no limitation as limitation.”

Bruce Lee coined and popularized the phrase Jeet Kune Do in 1967 to give his martial art a name. Lee struggled to give his art a name because he avoided any crystallization (and hence limiting) of its core. If you learn jiu jitsu, you can practice JKD without any problem.

The concept of intercepting is crucial in Bruce Lee Martial Arts Jeet Kune Do, whether it’s intercepting your opponent’s technique or intercepting his intent. Simplicity, directness, and freedom are the guiding concepts (the form of no form).

Jeet Kune Do martial arts techniques and ideas can be used in real-world fighting and difficult life situations. Bruce Lee’s style JKD is made up of physical techniques and applied philosophies, and it requires the individual to train to their most cultivated state of being-ness so that, in the event of a combat situation or a difficult personal situation, the tools needed are immediately available and can be executed without thought. JKD emphasizes the individual’s cultivation and honest self-expression over any organized technique.

Investigate your own experience. Take in what you can. Reject what is ineffective. Insert something that is essentially yours, – said Bruce Lee.

Below is a collection of Jeet Kune Do books, some of which are free and some of which are not. Please do not take these resources as a how-to guide; they are meant to be a beginning point and a guidepost for your emancipation and Jeet Kune Do training. “Jeet Kune Do” is a lifelong journey that cannot be fully conveyed in a single blog article or weekend “certification” session. We believe that these best martial arts books will be helpful to anyone looking to learn more about JKD from the source, Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do Books

Podcast: “The Bruce Lee Podcast” hosted by Shannon Lee

Book: “The Tao of Jeet Kune Do” by Bruce Lee

Book: “Bruce Lee’s Fighting Methods” by Bruce Lee and M. Uyehara

Book: “Jeet Kune Do: Bruce Lee’s Commentaries on the Martial Way” by Bruce Lee

Book: “Bruce Lee: The Evolution of a Martial Artist” by Tommy Gong

Jeet Kune Do: Philosophy of Martial Art

The emphasis in JKD is on defense and intercepting strikes. Adaptability and the ability to react appropriately to an attack are critical. The ideal approach for JKD students to do this is to utilize the least amount of effort possible to get a swift reaction. JKD is “the direct expression of one’s feelings with the least amount of movements and energy,” according to Lee. One of the primary theories behind Jeet Kune Do is that when fighting an opponent, a martial artist should focus on delivering the highest amount of power at lightning-fast speed while minimizing the number and range of their moves. The effectiveness of Lee’s renowned one-inch punch demonstrates how well he was able to put this concept into practice. In a nutshell, Bruce Lee’s martial arts ideology is reflected in JKD.
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