Kickboxing Training Book

Kickboxing is a great form of fitness and self defense, this system involves kicking, punching, elbows and knee attacks, I will look at one of my own personal favorite books on this system, this book was a great training aid for me back in the days when I used to practice and train this system. The book is Training and fighting skills by world Champion Benny the Jet Urqidez 63 World Title Fights, 57 by Knockout and World Kickboxing Champion for 27 Years. He is a living legend. Let s look into some of his kickboxing training.

About the Author Benny `The Jet` Urquidez

Benny Urquidez an American Kick boxer, martial arts choreographer was born June 1952, He studied many martial arts such as kickboxing, boxing, muay thai, taekwondo, jujutsu, Brazilian ju-jitsu, kendo, shotokan and kajukenbo. He has appeared in many movies. A legend throughout the martial arts world, This book was published when he was in the element of his martial arts career.

Checkout his official Website Here: Benny `The Jet` Urquidez

Book Overview

You have a chance to learn the skills of a world champion,

This book covers

  1. Speed, power, timing and target practice,
  2. Strategy, Nutrition conditioning, impact and balance
  3. Evading and blocking, hand techniques, foot techniques, techniques in motion and coordination.
  4. Rules of discipline
  5. Rules of fighting
  6. Philosophy of a champion
  7. Bios
  8. About the author

As you can see from the above there is a lot of good information in this book and I found it invaluable during my time training in kickboxing intact its great revisiting this book the short (each sub point covering one or pages) and straight. to the point, with no complex explanations. This allows you to start working on the tips in you’re training without delay.

Kickboxing is one of the least complex arts allowing you to practice simple techniques to a point of perfection.

I will cover some of those points above in more detail in this book review in the sections below.


Speed, power, timing and target practice

Speed: is the most important to develop for sparing, things like reaction speed etc, Learn how to develop speed in your hands and feet. Explained is the secret of how develop your reflexes, you will be surprised at this simple answer that will improve your speed. Distance and speed? how does size affect speed, find out if you can take advantage of you size and when.

Power: find out the different sources of power on or in the human body, this will give you something to work on. You do need power to fight and the more power the better. Learn the difference between strength and power. Dynamic tension verse weights which is best for increasing power? Strengthen your wrists, learn the important of hip rotation which is used in most martial arts like aikido, judo, boxing this bring great power when done correct. Power of the hands and feet,

Timing: Do you understand the concept of timing with regard to fighting, you will learn this from this section. There is specific equipment to improve timing for example skipping rope, running and other items listed in this section.

Evading and blocking

Learn about evading, this is avoiding being hit by your opponents weapons this could be done in many, ways moving out the way. Using the whole body or certain parts of the body for example moving your head to avoid a punch or kick or strike of some sort.

There are many boxers that are experts at this technique like Sugar Ray Leonard, Floyd Mayweather. This is an art, a skill those boxes make it look very easy but this takes years of dedicated practice with super fitness to achieve such a high level of skill.

This section teaches you all the skills you need. The skills like bobbing and weaving how to party. Feinting and faking, you feint with your head and fake with your body.

Blocking this is a skill that not many people have mastered. The subject is covered in full detailing of the block and went to block and what’s the block with, for example arms knees etc

Rules of fighting

Rules of fighting, Benny gives his own personal rules of fighting these rules have no doubt allowed him to be the success he is, I found those very inspiring. I hope you find them inspiring yourself or you could learn from them with your martial arts.

I will give you a few examples from this so you know the quality of the information here within this book. Never set yourself in one spot this of course makes you a moving target harder to hit, I myself I found this to be very true in my old kickboxing days.

You can see for yourself opponents that stand toe to toe do tend to take a lot more punishment than the boxers/ kick boxers etc that move around making it hard for the opponent to hit them and also be able to get I a rhythm going or control space and distance.

Place your apartment where are you want him or her, this no doubt gives you the upper hand enabling you to use which ever techniques you feel appropriate. This is only a few examples of fighting rules by Benny.

Philosophy of a champion

Philosophy of a champion, read these statements by Benny when he was at his best as a kick boxer he has accumulated a number of personal rules here for you to read and no doubt they have been lessons learned along his long and successful journey in martial

arts and kickboxing. Due to the amount of time and of course not rewriting his book please see a few examples below:

Never change what works,

Take defeat as a process of learning,

In and out of the ring the secret of a martial artist is to control his or her anger,

Learn to train your mind to be a head of your body.

The way you train is the way you will react.

These are just a few from his list they are simple and straight to the point. I found great knowledge in all of these and I think they’re great for any martial artist of any style. These words of wisdom can only be learned through years of hard practice

or in this case from someone with experience so if you purchase this book at some point be sure to read these especially if you are martial artist and you are looking to go competitive.

Buy your copy below, please click on the book image below:

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This has been a great post for me I bought this book many years ago while doing kickboxing and it helped me no end but I can see now that the philosophy the experience and the skills and the basic training methods within this book can apply to many martial arts.

I personally like his style of writing it is simple and straight to the point. Learn from this book there is nothing complicated and the moves are simple to learn the knowledge is straightforward, direct and the information you pick up from his experience is priceless.

I do also like the way that he’s written this book with regard to the way things are explained. He has done this in a simple question and answer style which is great as those are questions that you may ask someone of his stature.

Each section of this book has photographs step-by-step showing each moves you need to know to train like Benny. This includes all the exercises, all the conditioning and Balance works, all the hand techniques evading, footwork techniques and anything that involves physical movements.

Martial Arts Wisdom: Some times I feel weak, THEN I hit the bag

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Train hard, focus and practice

Wince 🙂

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2 thoughts on “Kickboxing Training Book

  1. Hey Wince. Very interesting article. To be fair Im just starting my adventure with martial arts and post like this are extremely helpful. I never heard about this book, but now I definitely have to get it. Can’t wait to read it and hopefully benefit from advices and trainings presented there. Thank you for great post!

    • Hi Great to hear you enjoyed my post and you have decided to take up martial arts. Kickboxing is great for beginners as there are not too many techniques and the training will improve your overall fitness and strength. This book is excellent for beginners as it is easy to read and train from which I can confirm myself. Get this book soon as possible as due to its age it may have limited availability.

      Best of luck with your martial arts, and thanks for you comments much appreciated,

      All the best 


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