Martial Arts Self Training 50 and Older

We are going to carry out a full book review of the book, Solo Training:3 50 and older. This book is written Loren W. Christensen and covers Karate, Kung Fu, and Taekwondo. This book of martial arts self training provides a comprehensive insight in to training, fighting and self defense, great workouts are compiled for the reader to try out. Information is provided covering speed, power, agility, and much more for the aging martial artist.


Martial arts self training as you age is important, you can still train to a high level. in depth information is provided regarding the cardiovascular system, respiratory and musculoskeletal strength giving key factors you need to know as a martial artist of a certain age. The benefits of training at those higher ages are covered and will motivate you to carry on training.

Aging and the brain keeping the mind active doing martial arts has great proven benefits as does exercise in general, but I personally found martial arts keeps the brain active due to the constant learning of techniques, forms, kata`s etc you are always learning and improving you techniques.

Age is just a number philosophy explained here, learn to train differently as you age and making time to train. There are also a number of university studies quoted on various topics.


No matter what age as a martial artist your diet is important and should be part of your priorty, try to have a good diet whether martial arts self training or training at a club.

You will find out which foods cause premature aging if eaten in excess,

Details on proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals,

You will read about details of the amazing supplement that will assist you, as you age during your martial arts journey and self training. Please see the benefits below:

  • Improves wound healing
  • Improves speed of recovery from injuries
  • Reduces pain levels
  • Reduces pain at rest
  • Reduces joint tenderness
  • Reduces joint swelling
  • Improves physical performance
  • Reduces rubbing noises of the joints
  • Increase flexibility/ range of motion
  • Inhibits connective tissue degradation
  • Stabilizes joint space width
  • Treats osteoarthritis
  • improves joint health
  • Enhances synthesis of connective tissue
  • Helps reduce exercise related injuries
  • Reduces knee pain
  • Increase bone healing repair

Fluids and what you need to know as an older martial artist, about how much water you need to consume and when as this differs from a younger person. Find out these and more facts within this section. The benefits of drinking water as a martial artist and especially as an older martial artist.

Know your body

Every martial artist regardless of age should know their bodies and the limitations. When you age this will become more apparent.

Covers what you should do if you`ve never or rarely exercise, this is covered in great detail but one of the main points is you need to see your doctor and get a check up before embarking on any exercise programme just to make sure you are healthy enough and there are not any under lined unknown conditions which could put you in danger.


Consistency is very important throughout your martial arts journey but even more important as your get older as you may have noticed the great older martial arts are always consistent in their training. This section explains how to be consistent with your training giving you the tips as an older martial artist.

Instinctive training, what is it ? you will find out in this section and how it will help your training keeping you consistent and motivated. The smart way to train as an older wiser martial artist.

Consistency and mental health the benefits,


In martial arts self training repetitions will be a big part of your training, this is the same as training in groups or club training. Repetition is the foundation of all martial arts techniques as it assist the practitioner to fully learn and under the techniques leading to continued improvement.

How many reps ? the information is here within this book explained in great detail and easy to understand the philosophy behind it. Providing information on how to do your reps ensuring you do not sustain any damage superficial or permanent. Doing your reps the right way tried and tested by the writer.

Using weights, cables and bands and about resistance training, Dynamic tension reps.

The full list of benefits regarding slow reps is provided this is very informative and will motivate you to practice those more, the benefits are incredible.


Martial artist need some degree of flexibility and as an older martial artist the full information is given to why you need to stay flexible. Along with how to stretch as an older martial artist and avoid injuries.

When to stretch before a training YES or NO can you tell me, the answer is in this book, Dynamic stretching before training YES or NO this and other questions on flexibility are answered.

Information on different types of stretching, with easy to follow pictures for each exercise with full descriptions. Below are some exercises in this section

  • Forward leg swings
  • Rear leg swings
  • Chambered leg swings

Static Stretching and Passive stretching are fully explained again with great pictures and full descriptions

More great information on stretching covering lower and upper body.


The importance of the core and how to train and develop this area, as you need to have a strong core as a martial artist. For older martial artists it is essential to have a strong core helping with fighting kicking etc.

Great descriptions and photos of different exercises to strengthen the core and the reader could try those out with no problem from those descriptions.

Resistance or strength training

This is a large section and provides plenty of pictures and descriptions for each exercise, there are dumb bells, bungee cords, dynamic tension and much more. How to work on different muscle groups

Learn the mind power drill to develop more power and speed, this is fully explained in this section and is a great technique to add to your striking routines.

Also covered for aging martial artists

Speed Training: Everything you need to know about speed covering different types, how to develop speed, various drills, techniques to improve your speed and much more.

Every position is a fighting stance: this section helps you to be ready for many situations giving you expert advice and tips to survive surprise attacks. Giving you exercise and the right mindset.

Words: I will leave you to discover the message in this section

Kata Training: A great way to martial arts self train, this section covers s lot of information on how to practice your kata`s well to get the maximum benefits.

Mental imagery: Understanding a threat potential, providing great information on how to read attacks etc

Targets to end a fight quickly.

Downed attacker.

Aerobic and anaerobic training.

After, before Surgery.

Solo workouts.

Century Versys VS.BOB


This is a great book and I have reviewed this book hopefully this will help you decide if you wish to purchase this book at some point.

I found this book to be comprehensive and easy to read and understand, there were also some unexpected surprises in this book like additional information Target to end a fight quickly, diet, mental martial arts training information etc

If you are an aging martial artist and would like to train on for many more years 50+ I recommend this book as a book which you can work through or pick out sections which you need help with for example flexibility. You may find yourself not being as flexible as you were when you were younger, this book will help you.

If you are a martial artist who is starting to get more injuries during training, this book has great advice on how you can train hard and avoid those injuries by changing the way you train.

You may be an older person who has never practiced martial arts and would like to self train due to time contains, this book can help you train yourself to a good level of fitness and martial arts if followed it correctly.

This is a complete system of martial arts training for the 50+ but, due to the information within this book any martial artist including the young and beginners will find information that will help them.


Train hard, focus and practice

Wince 🙂

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2 thoughts on “Martial Arts Self Training 50 and Older

  1. I appreciate this information as I find it most interesting having trained a short time while in college in Taekwondo, and for several years in Aikido as well. I have trained even in my 60s in Aikido but am now shifting to Qi Gong and Tai Chi. I agree that diet is important regardless of one’s age. Consistency is extremely important as I still work out daily at home. My flexibility has endured well and the consistent workouts help a lot. I do some strength training as well. This book has valuable information within its covers.

    • Hi Joseph, thanks for your comments much appreciated, Glad to hear you are a fellow martial artist, its those early days that set you up on your martial arts journey. You are doing the right thing by switching to more appropriate arts according to your age and preferences. Aikido is great for the older martial artist and Chi gong and Tai Chi perfect for when you are older you could also do a bit of yoga to maintain that flexibility. 

      I think you have it all covered with the added strength training and daily works and the secret in martial arts and almost everything else is consistency! 

      You are will inspire many with you routine, I do believe martial artists never need to retire just move onto an age appropriate martial art. 

      This is a great book with plenty of advise and tips for the older martial artist.  

      Great comments, all the best 


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