book I would like to look at today is one of the best martial arts training books around today, This is in regard to Kung Fu in the style of Wing Chun, Covering a brief history, fundamental principles, and forms, This great martial arts training book, BUY NOW =>
Wing Chun history and introduction
This book provides a brief but comprehensive description of Wing Chun, enough for the reader to get a full under standing of the origins and linage of the art. These are important details to the more seasoned martial artist and those with an interest in knowing the history of their art. Details covering names and codes of conduct.
Very descriptive covering date times and written in a way which make the reader feels the historical connection with the art. This shows the passion for the art from the writer, the passion in this section alone makes this book one of the best martial arts training books around today. This section is not too overwhelming with too much detail there is just enough. Brief description of Wing Chun explaining the various structure of Wing Chun, see below:
Chi Sau
Dan Chi Sau
Gor Sau
Just to name a few, the list above goes on!!
Covers the writers profile, which is pretty impressive and shows the dedication to the art and gives an insight into the person, which is allows great.

Fundamental Principles for this martial arts training book
This section of the books covers the fundamental principles and for me is my best section as it goes into detail of the principles of the art, Things they do not get to explain in great detail in lessons due to the time needed. This section is great for beginner or veterans, covering the centreline theory, which is one of the main principle in wing chun explaining and a full understanding is needed for any wing chun explaining practitioner,
I believe that understanding is given here, this is one of the best descriptions I have come across anywhere. Following chapters go in to the actual mechanics of the movement also the triangular structure and theory along with details about elbow energy, muscle and joint movement. This is great as it goes into detail and if you are new to Wing chun don’t worry this may go little above your understanding at present. The more you get into Wing Chun the more you will understand.
The full Chinese names are given throughout the book, this can only be good for those that are interested in the art to that level, as some schools expect you to know certain moves, stances, drills etc by their names this may sound daunting to anyone who has not practiced martial arts before but you learn naturally as you train.
In this section there is also information from individual students which I can say are very interesting to read from a different point of view. Those students have individual approaches and must read if you buy this book.
Also, covers energy int he forms of Chi which is explained in the book in regard to Wing Chun, Chi is complete subject one its own. This is cover in great detail in this book and will take some getting your head round. The good thing about books is you can always come back to it and read it again, but once you understand it you will understand the art more than most. I recommend when reading this section break it down, this will also depend on one where you are in regard to your training. This is another section to why this book is one of my best martial art training books, buy from BUY NOW CLICK => CHECK CURRENT PRICE ON

First Form Siu Nim Tao
The first form in Wing Chun is Siu Nim Tao, this is regarded as the most important form in the Wing Chun series and as so the writer has rightly dedicated a large section of this book to Siu Nim Tao, which is great. When looking at the form note that there are a number of Wing Chun schools and the forms are slightly different so I would not recommend learning forms from books but you if you are already going to a school thats fine. Moves will be similar but different as I found out myself attending different Wing Chun schools but the principles and the same and that’s the important thing to remember. I you buy this book to learn from them great you can learn this form from this martial arts training book.
Covers concepts of the form in detail, the actual mindset needed when performing the form in great detail. Breathing, concentration, awareness, posture and simultaneous multiple awareness all covered.
The detail of the information in this section is great and as mentioned before if you have been practicing Wing Chun for years you may of never had this amount of detail one Siu Nim Tao, This is a great section for an intermediate Wing Chun practitioner,
Chi Sau
Chi Sau or sticky hands is a drill to develop timing, distant, techniques, understanding pressure, etc
There’s single and double Chi Sau which is covered in great detail and the information is of good quality explain strength, resistance, positions and movement etc
Different types of Chi Sau going onto sensitivity and reactivity
2nd and 3rd Forms
Those forms are explained in the same great manner as the 1st form they are more form senior students who have learned the foundations and the teacher think they have met the level needed.
Great detail showing black and white images of some movements, for the senior students this section is great to give them an inside of what is to come and get the theory behind the upcoming forms,
Those forms introduce new forms of attack and defense.
Great martial arts training book has plenty of detail, covering vasts amounts of subjects within Wing Chun Kung Fu, concentrating on theory, fundamentals, concepts, principles. This makes it ideal for the beginners to the senior practitioners I recommend to anyone learning or interested in leaning the martial art of Wing Chun,
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Train hard, focus and practice
In my book, Wing Chun is the most effective martial art. As a learner from China, I would say if you think it useless, you must haven’t seen the real Wing Chun. Effect aside, practicing Wing Chun can teach you a lot about life. I haven’t read this book, but am eager to dive into it.
Hi Abel, Thanks for the comments, great to hear you are also a Wng Chun man, I agree those who think Wing Chun is not affective need to touch hand with someone who has trained the system for many years. Yes and the benefits other than self defense, will teach you good life skill as with all martial arts.
If you get a chance to read this book, I am sure you will enjoy it, if you do please come back and let us know you thoughts
All the best