Learning Wing Chun Kung Fu

We are going to look at the book Learning Wing Chun Kung Fu (a step by step reference guide) by Jason G Kokkorakis. This book has over 300 photographs and illustrations showing wing chun techniques, body positions, applications etc all followed with full descriptions enabling the reader to grasp a full understanding of what is being shown.


This book contains a detailed look into the concepts of the wing chun system, providing theory and an analytical approach, practical exercises and the application of the wing chun techniques. Hopefully helping you understand the basics then moving into the advance stages where you can fully gain the benefits such as physical and mental. Ideal for some just starting wing chun or an advanced student using this book as a reference book.

Applications of Sui Lun Tao and Chum Kui forms are discussed and fully dissected for the reader get grips with the intricacies of those forms, also exercises to help understand the system theories.

Wing chun is a simple yet technical system, which has transcended the linage, staying in the boundaries of the universal principles of the system. The author lays out his information and training methods the recommends of daily practice.

This book goes from beginner to advanced practitioner and if you can grasp the information you will also know the philosophy which will take time and master. To be a fighter you will have to be part of a club where you can practice the skills learnt and develop and improve them with dedicated practitioners.

About The Author

Jason G Kokkorakis has been studying martial arts’ since 1982, starting with judo, then Wu Shu Kwan and Tai Chi then moving onto balisong, escrima and nunchuku. Then moving onto the practice of knife and stick drills.

Achieving a black belt in Kyokushinkai Karate, then training in Capoeira, the boxing and kick boxing, then Aikido, moving onto Wing Chun, also training in Tia Chi and Gracie jujitsu later on.

This author has a vast amount of knowledge and experience of many martial arts’ over a long time and the above is only a small summary of about the author to get the full detailed and interesting account you will need to refer to this book once you get your copy.

This section also explains how the discovered the effectiveness of Wing Chun after al his experience in other martial arts’.

What`s Covered in This Book

  1. Why study wing chun
  2. How long does it take to be good
  3. Martial arts’ and reality
  4. Condioning the mind and body
  5. Breathing
  6. Mind, Energy/ Y1, Chi
  7. Re – training instinctive behavior
  8. The hand weapons
  9. Straight thrusting punch/
  10. Ginger fist
  11. Phoenix eye fist
  12. Chopping arm
  13. Closing fist
  14. Leg weapons
  15. Ascending heel
  16. Wing leg
  17. stamp kick
  18. Turning front kick
  19. Attacking the weak areas
  20. The groin
  21. the throat
  22. the eyes
  23. the ears
  24. The hands
  25. The fingers
  26. The elbow
  27. The knee
  28. The foot
  29. Basic martial arts’ theory
  30. Ranges of physical combat ant the defensive shpere
  31. Concepts within sui lum tao
  32. The mountain stance
  33. Ha cha
  34. The straight thrusting punch
  35. Pulling hand
  36. Withdrawn elbow
  37. Spreading hand
  38. Circuling hand
  39. Asking hand
  40. Sinking hand
  41. Slap hand
  42. Palm strikes
  43. Repelling hands
  44. Br arm
  45. Chopping arm
  46. Slicing arm
  47. Jerking arm
  48. Thrusting arm
  49. High bridge arm
  50. Cultivating hand
  51. Wing arm
  52. Uplifing arm
  53. Changing hand
  54. Linked rapid punches
  55. Expanding concepts in chum kui
  56. Ding sao
  57. Hacking elbow
  58. Trapping arm
  59. Thrusting palms
  60. Bar arm
  61. Yeiding wing
  62. Ascending hell kick
  63. Hook punch
  64. Recover facing
  65. Low wing arm
  66. Double jerking arm
  67. Addition concepts of bui jee form
  68. Saam bai fut
  69. Wooden man post
  70. scooping arm
  71. Neck detaining
  72. Po pai
  73. Baat jam dao
  74. Luk deem boom kwun
  75. Knowing forms
  76. Sui lum tao
  77. Chum kui
  78. Bui jee
  79. Muk yong jong fut
  80. Baat jam dao
  81. Luk deem boon kwun
  82. On multiple opponents
  83. A fighting stance
  84. Bridging arm
  85. Pull hit
  86. Single sticking hand
  87. Double sticking hand
  88. Rolling arms
  89. Listiening hands
  90. Sticky hands
  91. Sticky legs
  92. Random hands
  93. Joint manipulation
  94. Final thoughts

As you can see from the above list this book covers the complete system of wing chun and will appeal to beginners to advanced students through to instructors, There is a lot of information here and it is laid out in a simple fashion, each description written in a non complicated manner, great for learning wing chun kung fu,

As a wing chun practitioner myself the information understandable and the pictures help the reader to grasp the concepts.

The great thing is this book covers the weapons in wing chun (not the forms) but the importance and benefits of learning and training with weapons, which is great So if you know the forms already this part of the book will benefit you greatly as you will more about the theory and how the weapon develops different parts of the body,

This Book Provides

  1. This book is ideal as a reference book, having information you can refer back to throughout your wing chun journey.
  2. This book details all the names of the techniques in Chinese, which is important in the wider community of wing chun.
  3. The complete theory of wing chun in one book and covering the full system including the forms, wooden dummy, drills, techniques, weapons and more.
  4. Information confirming the author,`s skills and expertise in Wing Chun
  5. This book has over 300 photographs and illustrations with great descriptions
  6. Non – complicated comprehensive style of writing and information flows well from section to section.
  7. This book has been provided a practical approach, where you can practice some of those techniques straight away.

My Book Rating 4.5/5

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This is a great book for anyone does or looking to start wing chun from beginner to advanced to Instructor there is something that will benefit all of those interested in learning wing chun kung fu.

Great for reference and wing chun theory detailing techniques, forms, moves, weapons etc

This is great read without the complicated jargon making it ideal for all practitioners and gives a practical approach to this simple but effective Chinese martial arts’ system.

Wing Chun is not a sport but a martial arts’ system designed for self defense, practical and easy to learn skills will develop with consistent training as with all martial arts’.

”Good kung fu does not depend on age or sex but on how well you fight.”

Please leave your commends in the box below it would be great to hear from you

Train hard, focus and practice,

Wince 🙂

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4 thoughts on “Learning Wing Chun Kung Fu

  1. Kung Fu is very popular thanks to Bruce Lee in my opinion but somehow it is not as mainstream as Karate or other martial arts for us to learn. Thanks for sharing about Wing Chun Kung Fu with us. I love the fact that this books has a lot of illustrations that will make life easier. Oh wow, the author is very knowledge in all martial arts! That is impressive. I am going to check the book out! 

    • Hi Nuttanee,

      Thanks for your comments much appreciated, Yes I am a big Bruce Lee fan and have a number of articles relating to Bruce Lee on this website, please put a search for Bruce Lee on the site to see all the related posts. Bruce made Kung Fu big in the seventy with the release of his movies. That`s when many wanted to learn Kung Fu. Karate has been a steady martial art with a large following but both Kung Fu and Karate along with many of the other traditional martials has lost some popularity to the modern martial arts like Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Ju Jit Su due to the UFC and media. We must keep the traditional arts going there is a lot of benefits from practicing them aside from self defense. 

      These books hopefully bring in new students for these traditional martial arts,

      Great comments, love the discussion on martial arts 

      Please visit again 

      All the Best 


  2. This is an excellent review.  It gives me a full insight into Wing Chin Kung Fu.

    This is a sport that I know little about, but your review tells me exactly as to what the book includes and the help and information that I would get from it.

    This looks like a very high skilled sport and your review certainly would raise my interest in it.

    Keep up the good work.

    • Hi Geoff,

      Thanks for your comments much appreciated, Glad you like my review, yes Wing Chun is a great form of self defense and enjoyable to learn, I have practiced a number of martial arts and found Wing Chun to be simple and effective, there are plenty of clubs globally but, the books give you the detail of the concepts and theories and aid your practice. 

      Yes this is a high level skill but don`t let that put you off, as long as you train and be consistent you will achieve high levels.

      Please visit again, all the best, 


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