About Martial Arts Books

Welcome to The Martial Arts Books Company

Are you interested in learning various martial arts styles?

Do you want to engage in martial arts for your health, fitness, or simply to learn a new way to protect yourself and your family?

Are you overwhelmed by the endless pieces of information available about marital arts and have no clue where to start?

If so, then you’re in the right place.

The martial Arts Books Company is uniquely designed to provide you with the resources, tools, and information you need to take up martial arts and be successful.

Knowledge is at the root of all power.

That’s why we started our little corner of the web. We believe that through education we provide people just like you with the tools you need to get the most out of your martial arts practice.

When you follow our blog and website, you’ll get insights from experienced martial arts practitioners that you simply cannot find anywhere else.

Meet Our Founder Wince

Having trained in various martial arts for multiple decades, Wince decided to launch the Martial Arts Books Company to share his knowledge with students around the world.

Wince has practiced everything from Kung Fu (Wuzuquan, Sanshou, and Wind Chun), Karate, Kick Boxing, and Aikido, with a keen interest in virtually any type of Martial Arts. Learning the intricacies of each style, Wince’s experience with countless instructors gives him a unique take on his deep passion for the various Martial Arts styles.

His understanding of different types of fighting, training, and mindsets along with the grading systems and cultural differences from Chinese, Korea, Thailand, India, and many other cultures, set him apart from other Martial Arts bloggers.

Supporting other students along their journey is Wince’s passion. He believes in the transformative power of Martial Arts and aims to share his knowledge through The Martial Arts Books Company.

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire you to take action on your goal to learn various martial arts styles. Whether you want to improve your mental well-being, spiritual growth, or fitness, we aim to help you through our site. By providing detailed reviews on amazing martial arts books and martial art styles, we guide you to take your training to the next level.

What We Do

You are a unique person. Your goals, abilities, and passions are different from the next person. That’s why we provide a comprehensive blog and recommendation site to give you everything you need to pursue your passion for martial arts.

On our site, you’ll find great book recommendations and insights into martial arts styles and training, along with a few recommended products that can make your practice easier. You’ll also get first-hand technique tips and martial art insights from our experienced founder, Wince.

Our Promise

Our promise to each visitor of the Martial Arts Books Company is that we will always provide authentic information, honest reviews, and personal opinions that benefit your practice and training.

Follow Along & Stay Tuned!

The ancient practice of the various martial arts styles has evolved in modern times, but there is more demand for it than ever before. Shifting through the available information and recommendations can leave you wondering where to start or how to grow. We are here for you. We provide personalized information based on real experience from a real martial arts practitioner to help you achieve your goals.

Follow us on social media, comment on our posts, or simply reach out to Wince directly if you have any questions or comments.

Remember to train hard, focus, and practice.


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4 thoughts on “About Martial Arts Books

  1. I practiced for over 40yrs and have about 1oo magazines mixed arts from the 60s+mostly
    I am 5th Dan, and had a very big part in the lat 50s spreading the art .under Kana Zawa Hiro -Kazu. K.Enoeda. Y. Sumi and many others. i am 84yrs old but cannot train any more. These magazines are used but some are quite old.could you advise where to sell them in a block.

    Regards. J.Tilley

    • Hi J. Tiley, Thanks for your message much appreciated, your are a true martial artist and have made great achievements in your time when you were more active. The experience you have cannot be denied, you was training in the time of the karate and kung fu explosion due to Bruce Lee.
      I would recommend selling those magazines on Ebay you can sell those in bulk no problem and get buyers to bid for them and hopefully get a good price. Get somebody you trust to set you up, opening an account and take some pictures they could put on the Ebay site for you or sell them on Ebay for you.
      Best of luck with the magazines and all the best to you,
      stay safe,

  2. Hello,wince great information knowledge and wisdom regarding martial arts styles and life . Still training now difficult time through out life .very inspiring information found today.hope you are well Vince peace and harmony.

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